Chiropractic Spine and Joint Specialists


Our Products

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Described by first time users as a “medical marvel!” , these devices are used as a front line treatment for moderate to severe upper or lower limb pain. Our patients are literally able to walk out straight after a treatment.

Essentially designed to lift the head weight off the neck and shoulder muscles (or off the lower back muscles in the Lumbar model), they simultaneously reduce disc and nerve compression - allowing for an instant reduction in neck and arm pain, or lower back, buttock and leg pain with the Lumbar model.

Relieving pain is incredibly important to give the patient relief, but more importantly it allows us the opportunity to work on the underlying causes, safe in the knowledge that the patient is able to be pain free and resting at home between between sessions.

Later, as the “injury “ crisis level is lowered, the decompression pumps can be used as maintenance and postural improvement devices 1-2 times per week. 



When the neck and lower back loses its normal“c” shaped curve- called “lordosis”- the soft discs between the vertebral bones become compressed, dis-allowing the rich lubricating fluid (brought by small blood vessels near the edge of the disc) from re-hydrating the discs.  Movement is essential to create an osmotic or diffusion gradient to bring new blood and lubricating fluid into the disc. Loss of “bony” curve, associated muscle stiffness, and pain (which limits physical activity during this time), all affect disc re-hydration and repair rate.

The POSTURE PUMP has easy to use hand pumps and uniquely angled air cells. The expansion and contraction (up and down motion) of these air cells, create alternating hydration and alignment of your spinal discs and joints.

Spending just minutes on the POSTURE PUMP,  allows you to shape and lubricate your neck and upper back at home.



We offer a range of “customised” insoles designed to provide corrective support for people with dropped or high arches.

Standing and walking is an everyday activity. Your feet are the foundation for your entire body- including your ankles, hips, knees, pelvis and back (spine). Ensuring a correctly positioned neutral foot, is essential to provide a stable “foundation” to everything above.

Conditions that may be improved by the use of medically prescribed and fitted Orthotics, include:

  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Heel spur and metatarsal pain
  • Achilles tendonitis
  • Shin splints
  • Knee pain and early arthritis
  • Hip pain and bursitis
  • Lower back pain
  • Forward rounding of the shoulders
  • Neck and shoulder pain