Chiropractic Spine and Joint Specialists

Our Story

"The beginning of something great..."

Malahide Chiropractic Spine and Joint specialists was founded in 2016, when Dr Shane Warren Fonseca returned from South East Asia with his wife and two daughters to settle in Malahide.

“After graduating from a medically based University in South Africa in 2001, I made my way to Ireland via London. Settling in Clontarf, I practiced in Dublin from 2002-2005. One of the practices I had the pleasure of working at, was in fact the very offices at which i am now located - 5 James Terrace, Malahide.

 It was always a dream to come back to Ireland one day, and settling in Malahide was certainly the icing on that cake.

After leaving Ireland in 2005, I pursued further education while working in multiple countries throughout the world. These years afforded me the opportunity to increase my awareness of the ever progressive INTEGRATIVE HEALTH CARE SYSTEMS leading the way in Neuro-Musculoskeletal treatment throughout the world.

By integrating elements of traditional hands on techniques- such as Chiropractic and Physical Therapy- with cutting edge technologies, such as: Computerised Decompression Therapy , Shockwave Therapy and Cold Laser; we are truly able to provide INTEGRATIVE NON-SURGICAL SOLUTIONS FOR SPINE AND JOINT CONDITIONS.

It was from this approach that our centre was founded. With core values of integrity, honesty and a passion for clinical excellence- we hope to establish a community respected centre. One that continues to put people first, while providing the most advanced and innovative non-surgical solutions for spine and joint conditions.”

                                                                     -  DR. SHANE WARREN FONSECA 2016

Our unique approach to our patients...

"Integrative non-surgical solutions to spine and joint conditions"

Our 3 tiered approach to all conditions involves looking at the body holistically. When assessing a condition, or injury, we look at a treatment design from the perspective of its overall contributing factors:



Almost always, spine and joint conditions have a muscular component.  Stiffness, spasm (guarding), and aching pain are all symptoms of muscular involvement. Therefore to adequately address this, we must include treatment that focuses on this component- namely Physical Therapy, Rehabilitation, posture education, ergonomic consideration, and functional muscle training and exercise.

Joint involvement

Muscle stiffness, spasm and trigger points may lead to a state of reduced joint mobility. If the joints do not have a full range of “smooth “ motion, the ability for that same joint to return to a neutral position (balanced position ) at rest is impeded. This may result in a cascade of knock on effects whereby the joints inability to move in a full range of motion leads to a state ofmuscular imbalance.  Some muscles become overused , short and tight. The same muscle on the opposite side may besimultaneously lengthened, overstretched and weakened. This leads to reduced overall stability, and therefore an increased propensity for joint and muscle injury. This mayultimately result in local spinal nerve impingement and/or disc damage.

Disc/ Nerve involvement

Following from above, it stands to reason that barring a specific injury force (e.g. sport’s injury tear, motor vehicle accident), muscle tightness and imbalance from postural inadequacies- such as rounding shoulders from excessive computer use; sway back posture due to weak core muscles and a sedentary lifestyle- could all lead to joint stiffness and fixated ranges of “normal motion”. In turn, loss of normal joint motion (also referred to as position at rest) may lead to compression of  the spinal nerves as they exit the spinal foramina. This may lead to any of the following symptoms listed below:

  • Localized pain, spasm, and inflammation.
  • Referred pain, numbness, tingling along that nerve distribution pathway. 
  • Loss of muscle strength and control.
  • Abnormal disc loading:  resulting in early disc dehydration, loss of height and degenerative changes e.g. herniation.
  • Joint and localized segmental instability → compensation to other parts of the body / spine → increasing involvement of other areas → multiple sites for pain and dysfunction.

By adding advanced cutting-edge technologies- such as Computerized Decompression Therapy, EMS Swiss Shockwave Therapy, Cold Laser and internationally sourced products, to our traditional Chiropractic alignment techniques and Physiotherapy based muscle care- we truly are able to offer the best, most comprehensive treatment programs available worldwide today.